Hi all. Its there a way to transfer UVs under this conditions ? :
1. raw scann data retopo with Qremesher, detail transfer to new mesh, clean problematic areas and, adding details and etc. the "RAW" scann still in subtools with UVs and texture - is there a way to transfer the UVs and texture from raw scann to the new retopo mesh inside Zbrush ? or should i create new UVs on the quad mesh and transfer just textures from raw model ?? how ?????
2. exported QUAD mesh to AGI Photoscan, there is it automatically transformed to TRIAS, generate new UVs and texture. can i transfer UVs and texture from "identical" meshes, just one is in QUADs ( no UV, no texture ) and 2nd is TRIAS with UVs and texture ???
You can't transfer uv between different meshes topology-wise as uv is basically your unwrapped mesh. You need the same vertices, in the same order, same faces to transfer uv...
However, you can reproject a texture between 2 different uv layouts. You need to unwrap your retopo/quad mesh.
As for projection, i don't know how to do it in zbrush, but it's easy in xnormal or 3dsmax
edit: looks like there are some tools to reproject uv aswell. Don't know how good it works tho
Hi thanx, at least in MAYA it is "easy" to transfer UVs from tris to wuads, but im searching for solution with Zbrush.....
then UV your new retopo mesh, either in zbrush or in external 3d app, then when you project in zbrush, select yes when it asks if you want to transfer your polypaint data.
once completely reprojected, you should have your mesh details and your texture details on your new retopo'd and UVd mesh, then you can just convert your polypaint to a texture and voila!