Guys, i was working on this scene where vray started giving me a headache with this error randomly. (even with an completely new empty scene)
I tried both vray 2.40.04 on max 2014 and vray 2.4 for max 2013 on same scene, but both give this error.
guys any clues?
16GB ram
gtx 480
win 7 professional 64bit
[2013/O/6|23:03:41] beginFrame() done.
[2013/O/6|23:03:41] Broadcasting NOTIFY_BEGIN_RENDERING_ACTUAL_FRAME.
[2013/O/6|23:03:41] Setting up DoneCallback.
[2013/O/6|23:03:41] Rendering frame region (0,0)-(1280,720).
[2013/O/6|23:03:41] Photon size is 56 bytes.
[2013/O/6|23:03:41] Light cache sample size is 120 bytes.
[2013/O/6|23:03:41] Rendering image.
[2013/O/6|23:03:41] Setting up 8 thread(s)
[2013/O/6|23:03:41] error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Rendering region (704,64)-(768,128 )
Last marker is at ./src/globillummap.cpp, line 1449: GlobalIllumMap::buildLightMap() {1}
update : i just found even an empty scene is giving this error.

update : its stopping every time at "Last marker is at ./src/globillummap.cpp, line 1449: GlobalIllumMap::buildLightMap() {1}"