Hey guys!
I've been working on a relatively simple prop and semi-scene. Basically, it's a urinal with divider and a partial roof/wall/floor. I've tried to keep the polycount low as well. Basically a game-ready piece for my portfolio, which has been lacking prop pieces. I'm pretty close to being done, but I'd like some C&C to add confidence to my work :P
Around 2500tri's for the intact pieces (total, including walls and extras), extra 2477 for the broken variations.
Clockwise: Main texture diffuse; spec, Wall normals, Floor normals (I omitted the floors' specular and diffuse, as well as the main texture's normal map): 1024 each (probably will reduce to 512).
What'dya'll think? I feel like the porcelain of the urinals isn't totally finished, like the material definition isn't quite there yet. I think it might be the specular, since it's not quite as shiny in the way that porcelain has that slightly diffused shine to it. I'd love anyone else's opinion on that.
After this, I've got some lighting, post-processing, and rendering to do. Woopwoop
Usually by the time the urinals look in that state there's pen and paint on the walls.
The broken urinal looks flat because of your base geometry. You could look at breaking another section of it like the side area.
Design wise I think the sections need to be closer, I've not seen a public toilet that roomy before but that could just be me.
naw man, it's a splash guard.
I agree, for the amount of broken props and general grunge, the floor and walls are too clean. It looks like someone has been mopping the floors and that's it. Also, I would add some really gross water buildup/stains around the broken urinal. Something to show it has been leaking for some time.
I increased the amount of grunge there was on the floor/walls, and broke off a chunk of the urinal. I also broke up the broken separation chunk up more. I'm going to add the water stains on the wall when I've got some time, thanks for the idea praetus
1.) Somebody came in with a hammer and decided to be a jerk and ruin the janitor's day.
2.) Somebody came in and had to take a tyrannosaurus shit and couldn't hold it in any longer so they just took a dump in the closest thing near them at the time (the broken urinal).
I'm going to go ahead and assume situation #2 occurred.
I don't know where I'm going with this, but anyway I assume the urinal would have to be rusted/pretty old to have shattered like that.
The pipes could also be a bit dirtier, they look pretty untouched along with the top of the urinals. On a side note, you could probably turn this into a kickass environment rather than just a small prop piece. Maybe consider creating an entire bathroom? Anyway, good luck man, you're doing great right now!
dont forget to put your signature! haha
Any suggestions? I swear I'm not just holding out so I can get help on this ;P
I think it would be worth your while to make an entire scene from this. You'd only need a few more small props. Toilet, sink, mirror, door.
If you're anything like I was when I graduated [Durham] college, I rushed my 3d work just to get it done and on my portfolio. Take your time with this, and really apply yourself to making good art.
Anyway, you're off to a good start here. Keep at it!
Damn it, I'll just go for it. Thanks guys!
I'm having trouble with lighting the scene - any ideas? I'd like it to be dark enough that the one flickering light in the scene really has an impact, but in screenshots it comes across as too dark. If I brighten it up, it almost looks too bright. I'm thinking of playing with the scene's shadows in post-process next.
Also, I should probably show it from another angle:
As for the lighting, I'd say you should give the lights above each urinal some focus. There's no real focal point - the scene seems clouded as a result.
Looks like you have put some work into your assets, make them stand out.
Edit: looking at it again, when I turn on the emissive lighting from the fixtures, the light they cast creates shadows on the edges of the meshes they're on. Hmmm...
Couple comments from me.
I could be wrong, but I think you're getting seems in between your wall meshes because they don't have a 2nd UV channel. the 2nd uv channel is usually reserved for lightmaps. You can either create a 2nd channel in max/maya.. or i think UDK can generate one for you. Its been a while since i used UDK.
The lighting is a little flat right now.. the walls in particular. But again, I think this is a lightmap issue.
Your dof is pretty strong. Realistically, from where the camera is sitting to the back wall looks to only be about 30 feet, and yet i can hardly make it out. Dof is a great effect, but I think in such a small scene it should be used subtly.
The urinal, its a little hard to see whats happening with it. I now its damaged from reading the rest of this thread. But someone seeing it for the first time might be confused. Try playing with it some more.. if worst comes to worst and you cant get it to a good state use a non-broke urinal.
Anyway I think you're on your way to a great scene here! It has a lot of potential. Its just a matter of continuing to push it.. which is always the hardest part :P I did a quick paint over of where I think you could take this.
Keep it up man!
As for the lightmaps, I actually do have them. The way I do it may be causing a problem (not that I can think of why in particular)- in Maya, I create a second map, and use automap to quickly generate the lightmap. As for the DoF, I agree... I thought it would look cool at first, but it is a little intense!
The next time I've got time (QA overtime *kaff*), I'll try to get all of these in. Thanks again! Feedback is part of why I love doing this work
Edit: Also, I've noticed that the pieces with the broken lighting are changing their LODs (I think) as I move further away, but the distance is really small. Up close, they look fine, but from far away, the shadows on the edges are really visible.
Happy pre-new year, all!
It would be nice to see some reflections on that broken glass on the floor. Right now it appears to only be using a diffuse texture.
I am unsure about the two light fixtures closest to the left of the image, are they supposed to be on or off, or is the bulb missing? Some fixtures appear to be emitting light and others are not.
Shadows seem non-existent in many areas. Try increasing the lightmap resolution quite a bit. Also I'd suggest either turning on or increasing the quality of your ambient occlusion PP.
Looking forward to more.
Also, I messed around with a few things, and added a more 'broken glass' texture to the shattered divider and mirror.
I started to play with AO post-processing, but I accidentally REALLY screwed up, and ran out of time for tonight fixing it. It looks like I can juat add an AO node to my PP chain, but what about anti-aliasing? The only way it looks like I can add it is through the Uber post-process effect, but the one I have currently screws up the level if I turn it on (I'm also confused at that, since I thought I already had it turned on. I think my current look is actually from the world settings). I'm going to play with it more, but it's an update.
For the post process - You should have copy the original and modify just the copied one, but I think now you also know this
Unfortunately, because of the way I set up the materials, the concrete parts at the top couldn't be done in the same way, because it doesn't use a real tiling texture (it's part of a bigger texture; I just made that section of it tile-able), so I'll have to live with a slight seam. I also have an odd tiny line running across it, but I'd rather move on sooner than continue to fix the tiny things. As for Post Processing, I'll be fixing that next! Stay tuned, y'all.
The floor is way too clean, where's the wet paper toilet and water puddle ? Or maybe these are only on the little girl room ?!
Another small detail put those can change everything, you didn't put any drain. There's usually at least one need the toilet and near the sink in case there's a water problem !
And for an ever more gross subway station toilet look, you cool add a little rat somewhere.
Also one last question. How come only one urinal is broken and the rest look pretty new. Did someone come in and smash only one urinal and divider?
The middle section of your ceiling looks like it has some lightmap uv issues/seems. I feel the grey dividers between urinals could use some detail/texture too as right now they look flat grey... can't really tell what its made of, metal, plastic etc.
Its come along way though, nice work!
@Brandoom - They're supposed to be plastic, but I can't quite get the feel for them. I'll rework the texture and see if I can play with the spec (looking at examples n' stuff too).
@TonyNowak - That's not a bad idea... would be fairly simple to do to break up the floor, at least with putting a dip in it for a drain (I'm thinking I could place a decal of a drain, and maybe put a puddle/watervolume over it).
@Dimfist - Thanks! The porcelain has been bothering me, too! I can't quite figure it out. I think I'll try to pump up the spec on it and see if that helps.