I had previously posted in the Dota2 forums in which I had mentioned we want a courier made to publicize the website. We've now raised the stakes and will be hosting our own Community Dota2 League. As a result, we'll need a ticket + courier designed for the same. The League will have a $500 prize pool. If we manage to get a sponsor on board, we're expecting $1,000 or more in prizes.
Stuff like payment model, deadlines, etc. will be handled via PM's. The league will make use of our
Replays database as well as
Tournament & Automatic Brackets to draw maximum attention to the league.
We'd prefer if a single designer/animator works on the project to keep coordination simple and smooth. Interested artists may contact
Trevor@progamingtours.net. If you'd like a quick chat on Skype, please add me (cyn1c1981) and Trevor (trevor-somerville).
Lead Writer: Aman 'Cyn1c' Parmar
Owner & Lead Admin: Trevor Somerville
P.S: Sorry if I've posted this in the wrong section.