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Trying to create a courier

Noob here, trying to jump straight into creating a courier. Currently having trouble with my rotation and scale in Dota 2. I imported the donkey courier and turns out my courier is way undersized. Scaling it up screws up the animations, any other way I can do it? Up to this point I've figured out a lot as I've been going along, finding tutorials on Youtube and watching some Twitch streamers. But now I'm stuck, there are no tutorials with all steps working with Blender to get such a creation into Dota from what I can see.


Can anyone tell by the orientation on the screenshot what export settings to change? Right now I'm on default with the up and foward.


  • Fletch
    Offline / Send Message
    Are you scaling the armature with the mesh? Also, scale them in edit mode so it applies the changes, or you have to manually tell it to apply :D
  • BliND123
    Offline / Send Message
    I've tried in object mode and edit mode. Edit mode screws up my animations, and in object mode mesh shows scale as 1,1,1 but armature at the 110,110,110 I scaled it up...and the animations play right with the scale up from object mode up till the point where I apply the scale and then it screws them up same as the scale up in edit mode.
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