So I'm not exactly sure what happened but I guessI pressed something on the keyboard, and now my mesh (you can see the sphere is the same color as the background) blends with the background and is invisible or something.
I'm wondering what key combination of keys I pressed to activate this, how to turn it off, and what it is.
It's baffling to me why this feature is included. :poly127:

So what I see in my original picture and this one seems to be different. I'm still unsure of what my original problem is.
IF that doesn't change anything, the model might be masked, so try clearing that first. You might also have accidentally painted the darker gray color to the polypaint data. You can either select the white, and use Color: Fill Object (make sure RGB mode is on for this), or you can turn off Tool: Polypaint: Colorize (alternatively, open the subtool palette and uncheck the paintbrush icon next to the subtool).
And if that doesn't make much of a difference and the model is still darker, clear the canvas, make sure the zintensity and RGB values are turned to 100, and redraw the tool.
So to get out, I just have to fill it with a different shader and color.