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Portfolio Piece Critiques

polycounter lvl 4
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Parralax polycounter lvl 4
Hi guys,

I'm looking to get some opinions on my new portfolio piece. It is a small art piece which is based around my idea of what a wwII snipers position would look like. It is rendered in UDK.



  • Fisty
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    Fisty polycounter lvl 8
    everything looks really clean idk if you were going for that but maybe add some more dirt to everything :P looks good though <3
  • DimensiO
    -You could increase the size of your room. Helps with lighting and reflections. If you look at the floor you can see black space being reflected. Even if you cut the view later you will see those tiny mistakes back anyways.

    -The scale feels a bit off.

    -Add some wear and tear. Snipers usually sit a while on that chair. And the wood of the table could have been scratched a couple of times when hes panning his weapon.

    -You could add some desk work that was left behind by someone.

    -The furniture suggests this is some kind of living/study room. Make it feel that way. Add a painting, maybe a plant. Make the room look used.

    -Add an exteriour. What is he actually looking at? Is it summer? winter? or just night? If its knight why is his room so well lit? :p

    -And maybe finaly moving his whole position away of the window. Snipers don't position themselves like that. This will make them an easy target to get sniped back.

    Keep it up!
  • Stirls
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    Stirls polycounter lvl 8
    I'd say the rounds are pretty large. You also might want to have the light passing in from the outside (because odds are a sniper wouldn't expose himself in a fully-lit room).

    You'd also probably want to up the ante and add some specularity to the rifle, maybe a bit of AO and GI. I'm not sure if UDK automatically adds in GI, I know there are scripts for it.

    I'd like to see this when you've tweaked it a bit more. Intruiging so far!
  • Rhoutermans
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    Rhoutermans polycounter lvl 12
    Trims seperating the walls and floor, frames around the windows, define the wood or make them round steel bars :) ur textures looks pretty blurry/ can be higher res, with a small scene it could be cool to model everything properly, the tiles on the floor, ductape/nails holding up the picture on the wall, glass from the broken window on the floor/table. Something of a lightsource, is there light also coming from the window, is there a lamp on the ceiling? Keep it up :)
  • Parralax
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    Parralax polycounter lvl 4
    Hi guys, I know I haven't updated this in a while but work kind of gets in the way of my 3d modelling sometimes. Anyway here is the latest update on this piece.


    Any further critiques would be appreciated (and I know I need to increase the resolution of the textures).
  • Zi0
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    Zi0 polycounter
    Adding more set dressing would help, the gun you made is a mosin-nagant right? The scope seems wrong compared to the ww2 scope.
  • Jack Ryan
    Are you concrete set on having it in such a small room? It would make the majority of your project a lot easier if you increased the size of the overall area, especially renders.
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