Hi Polycount,
I recently started work on a new portfolio piece. Based upon the 'Homefront' IP.
Little story..
As implied at the ending of Homefront the EU comes to America's aid to drive back the GKR forces, forcing them underground and creating small centres of operations in which to counter offence against them. The environment is based on one of these centres which was then swifty abandoned and left to ruin, until uncovered by the EU forces.
Inspired and loosely based on this concept.

Strewn with odd bits of propaganda, items that showed it's lived in and generators provided essential light and heat for the occupants.
I'm currently focussing on the table to flesh that out more before heading into further details.

You've picked a sweet concept, great atmosphere!
I dig the table, and props on it, floor looks nice too. I know you're still early in development but your current lighting is really washy. Even if you're not following the concept 1:1, you'll add a ton of interest by letting the light travel less. Look at the attenuation of the lights in the concept - pretty hot at their initial impact and falling off in a very readable gradient as it heads to the floor. A very soft impact bounce from the floor inward follows, but not enough to fill the floor as evenly as it's currently doing. See if you can tighten the attenuation, get a clearer gradient falloff and try to keep those soft pools tight to the edge of the wall.
Not sure what you're trying for color, but you're missing the orange/yellow/greens that are in the concept.
Another thing I think you could try is to fake some scattering through your banners. Having some soft red scatter hitting the wall would look so rad, give it a try!
Excited to see what you do with this thing, good luck to you!
Thanks for the kind words. I haven't really paid much attention to the lighting as it's my weakest skill, so am really looking to get in deep with that and create a nice setup. I'll read up and play around with the lights and see if I can replicate that effect.
I also saw that you have a detailed lighting tutorial on your blog, I'l be sure to read through that and apply that to my work.
The ceiling tiles will get a couple of different textures aswell as damage versions to break up the repetitiveness.