Hi, i'm doing a sci-fi weapon and really need some C&C at this stage.
I didn't polish the model by capturing screenshot in marmoset/rendering in beautiful light setup. I just do some capture in MAX viewport. So it would show my bare texturing/modeling skills and i think it would be easier to spot problems on it.
Here's some viewport grab and my texture sheets:

and i dun have a gloss.

The bronze part is painted metal, and the metal part is bare metal. Grip and the tubes are plastic.
Beg for crtis. Thanks.
Right now I'd say for sure your material definition needs work. The metal parts don't read particularly well as metal, the brown parts I am unsure what they are supposed to be made of. Is it plastic? painted metal? Something else entirely?
Is there a concept you are working off of? Is there a style you are trying to match? We need more info.
As far as the rest, the model looks pretty good overall, I don't see any glaring errors, though it would still be good to get a wireframe up if you get a chance. Your UV layout looks good and you seem to have a pretty good normal map bake. I would say maybe take a look at some texturing/material tutorials on the polycount wiki, there are a couple very good tutorials that go into detail on getting metals looking nice.