Currently I made a MXP/SWFPanel and now that it is done, I want to protect the JSFL data by embedding the JFSL data in a hidden text box within the SWF.
The code in the JSFL is like this:
function FunctionName(param){
var code: "this and that";
Then in the AS3 I do this:
MMExecute('fl.runScript('" + JSFLToString + "','FunctionName'"+ param +"');');
External JSFL runs fine (with obvious path settings applied), but when I try to put in hidden text box and pull the data, it does not run.
How can I hide the JSFL data in the FLA file itself when I make the SWFPanel?
(LV 10 Renderhjs help...

Carefully plan out the code in AS and at the end run one MMExcexute() by combining a bunch of strings(commands).