K received plenty of help from the guys in polycountsHangout. so redid the pants for the fourth time, much happier with this result, the folds make more sense,(still kind of crappy though lol) so their high polys are pretty much done now, just a few more touchups. The fur/beard on the lizard is just to get an idea of the concept i had in my head, going to be making alpha cards for that
Alright more updates , baking was so weird,..anyway started to handpaint their albedos need to start painting her clothes and work on the eyes more(that stare) also excuse the crapy edge/flow topology(going to work on getting that better with my next project and better use of polygons) she sits at 50k, lol couldn't hit the 100k i wanted, and he's around 28k.. once his eyes/ all textures are finished being painted i'll go in quixel and start up specs/gloss then onto his hair cards...
Messed in quixel a bit , not too happy with the results, i don't think it likes me, but w/e off to learn rigging then finalizing this nightmare.
Hand Painting finished
Finally finished with these hobos, so many problems with this project , feels like the worst I've ever done(but learned some things so np i guess) alright off to sleep.
I was going to join blizzfest, but figured I'd learn more starting this personal project(plus i need to make a male someday right?),anyway, just some roughing in, Voldemort's going to be more menacing,fatter,taller,and more muscular(maybe shirtless and bits of robotic metal on the torso)
Goals:Spend at least a day gathering reference/designing, better/efficient use of tris, better edgeflow/topology, better UVs.
Did some more work with the faces,and started blocking out the bodies, still going to be messing with the proportions a bit. So I'll stay low res for some time
still struggling with getting the proportions/anatomy the way it needs to be, once i get it down i can finally retopo and start sculpting. feel free to crit.
Got some feedback in "WAYWO" made the fingers a bit longer, fixed up the torso/chest/ribcage area, and the back.. lol soo ready to start sculpting now, but i don't wanna jump the gun before nailing the forms down. So C&C if you have time.
Ugh haven't done any art in almost 3 months now,finally got a new mouse so i can start back up again(just wont be able to put in the time i was putting in before sadly, hopefully not for long though) ...anyways still going to be working on the jedi potter vs darth voldemort, just need to warm up again. going to try to post wips as much as possible.
Still far from the likeness, but getting there slowly.
Going to take this from highpoly sculpt all the way to a gameready bust. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3600x3600.
Hey nice like your choice for facebook Samurai's Challenge! Ithinks the muscles in the arms looks a bit hard ... you cuold let the start of the biceps a bit smoother... But anyaway, great job! I hope you could finish it! =D
need to restart the shirt, having some issues on the insides(duplicated some of her body by mistake)
K received plenty of help from the guys in polycountsHangout. so redid the pants for the fourth time, much happier with this result, the folds make more sense,(still kind of crappy though lol) so their high polys are pretty much done now, just a few more touchups. The fur/beard on the lizard is just to get an idea of the concept i had in my head, going to be making alpha cards for that
Hand Painting finished
38 days(20-Characters HighPoly, and 1 day for dioramas HighPoly, 5 days retopo/lowpoly, 4 days UVs/baking.1day texture setup, 3 days Painting(1 day lizard) 3 days Rigging,1 day scene setup.
TurnTable01 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY8QjYRBV54&list=UUqjq_FwFt9iapdGIoq69HAA
Link to thread: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=136844
Goals:Spend at least a day gathering reference/designing, better/efficient use of tris, better edgeflow/topology, better UVs.
Ref sheets:
Going to take this from highpoly sculpt all the way to a gameready bust.
Getting there,don't mind the placeholder hair.
and some refs, going to work on concepting now.
Link to original thread: http://www.gameartisans.org/forums/threads/63838-Comicon-15-3D-Go-El-The-Destroyer