Hello fellow Polycounters,
I've recently encountered a problem with Maya 2014 i can't seem to solve, maybe someone out here might be able to.
When I try to add an image plane to a Camera it gives me this error:
// Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2014/scripts/AETemplates/AEimagePlaneTemplate.mel line 118: Unable to load the image file, 'C:/Users/HectorMateo/Documents/maya/projects/Panther/sourceimages/Panther.jpg', for imagePlaneShape1 //

Maya image plane got to be the shittiest one out there if you ask me.
It looks like Maya made you a favor
As for wanting to use this: I needed the camera image plane for some specific type of modeling, if not I would've tried a different option.
Thanks for the help guys!