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Engineer Buildable Set

polycounter lvl 11
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Zeemis polycounter lvl 11
I'm creating a new buildable set for the Engineer, it'll consist of replacements for the Sentry, Dispenser, and Teleporter.

Sentry Bot: The Sentry Bot will be a replacement for the upgradeable Sentry Gun. It will have three distinct AI patterns and effectively have three distinct gameplay styles. It will not be upgradeable; however, it'll effectively be level 2 sentry in terms of how much metal is required to build it. A level 2 sentry costs a total of 400 metal (level 1 and level 2 combined), as will this. The Sentry Bot will fire three rockets and will have a 3-5 second cooldown. This cooldown will be determined by the animation of him firing his rockets and flying on his back, and then getting back up on his feet. However long that takes will determine the length of the cooldown.

-Offence: The Engineer will change his Sentry Bot's AI pattern to offence, meaning, it will effectively seek out enemy players or enemy buildables. The engineer can choose to play a combat style of gameplay and periodically repair his sentry bot during cooldowns. I can see the Widowmaker or Rescue Ranger working best with this playstyle.

-Defence: The Engineer can choose to set his Sentry Bot to defend a specific location. This will work well with the "Repair Node", read more below.

-Passive: The Sentry Bot will follow the Engineer around while set to this AI pattern. This could mean that the Engineer is summoning his Sentry Bot from a location that it was defending, or from an area he was attacking so that you can repair it.

Repair Node: The repair node will do the opposite of what a Dispenser does, it'll repair buildables. It will send out timed pulses that'll heal in a radius, much different that the short-ranged dispenser beam. This buildable can be upgraded to level 3.
No model yet.

Stopping Force: The "Stopping Force" buildable is essentially an upgradable blockade. A level one is quickly built, while a level 2 takes a little while longer and a level 3 much longer.
No model yet.


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