So I'm basically brand new here, but I wanted to share and improve my concept art. I'm interested in creating environments mostly (rather than characters). I typically leave things loose, but I still would like some feedback on my work.
These are some things I did a few months ago that were done all digitally.

Since then, I've started working on a "Storybook" game with a small team. Think Unfinished Swan in a way, and you'll see how the story book pages grow more finished and colorful along the way. I have also started drawing elements by hand and then working over them digitally in this series.

This is the frustrated artist/writer working on a story book but ends up throwing away the main sketched character. The character then fights his way through the discarded paper piles of his studio to "save his princess."

Here is the world as he enters it and it is just "splashing to life" as he runs through it.

By the end of the game, the storybook world is more solid, but the edges still retain a paper quality.
If you have questions please let me know! Otherwise I would love feedback. I know this is a diverse amount of work.
Work on your composition. There is no focal point in any of these.
The bottom piece is very difficult to read as they only sharp lines are the white of the paper. The buildings and tress look very fuzzy.
I do love the storybook idea and I look forward to seeing what you and your team go on to do with it!
I can't draw at all, but I love to watch the videos. The idea you have sounds really cool, I could imagine it animated too, with the drawings coming to life. Good luck with it
Yes, Catchingdusk, I do have a hard time polishing the pieces. I get to a certain point and decide to leave them more painterly. I will work on my compositions and realizing them to a higher level of completion.
And thanks for the link as well, monkeymintaka. I have seen his work, but I was not aware of how many videos he had produced! I will be watching through more of them soon