Hello , since years I am used to modify games, I am not into game development but I love do to art for them , I am an engeneer and have not much relation with that wich is my hobby. But at a certain point I tought if I could actually work in that field as well as freelance artist or contacted one .
I am not sure if I can ask this here but what should I need to do to create a portfolio or a curriculum? As i cannot write in it that I worked for that big company X and Y and I am not a youngster coming out of the colledge .
I am not sure if either I am a good at it as I think there is always someone much better .
I have experience though with a lot of different engines, modded games since 2001 , I have created thousands of models and textures for each specific game but of course most of the stuff is outdated compared to the new things .
So a modder that is not as young as the fresh out of colledge guys , ( on my 35 ) does have any chance of getting into that kind of work ?
I am also selective as I am not much interested in doing jobs of what I am not particularly interested in ... like I wouln't like to model 3d cars but I woudl love to model medieval fantasy buildings and the like ...
should I even try ? Shoudl I even propose myself to project teams or companies tht I like ? and in case what shoudl I write in curriculum or portfolio? I gues that my background in engeneering is completely useless in that field .
A sample of my work ...
a 3d model and textured in low poly .
1 and
The bigger issue is "I only want to model X or Y" because that makes you less useful.
Your work doesn't look too bad, but without wireframes, texturesheets, and only two lowres screenshots it's kinda hard to judge.
Anyway my "I only want to model X or Y" is not much for the model theme but for the game company theme
Yeah, as long as it looks good that's fine. I usually just take a bpr screenshot (though afterward you may want to gussy it up in photoshop with a custom background or whatever so it fits with your site.) I like the examples you posted as well as the island/vegetation work you did, and I agree you should include wireframes, texture flats, etc. I find with a portfolio it's best to try and strike a good balance between quality and quantity- you want to have more than just two or three pieces in a portfolio if possible, but having less to show is still better than putting up stuff you're not proud of just to fill space.
dont lie about your work history. You will probably want to put it down as an employer will want know what you've been doing for the last few years. If its not relevant then keep it brief. One reason to show you have job history is show you havent been in prison etc! They can also contact past employers and get references.
I've been told by several agencies to not put my date of birth on my CV. Theres never a good age. Age bias cuts both ways. I've never put my age on my CV and worked in the games industry for several years.
And what the other guys said- you cant be selective, you can have a preference for what you like to model, but you may have to model anything in the job you get.
Get a portfolio website together and post a link on here. Get some feedback.