I am trying to work on a scene entirely inside of Max while I prototype an idea. Part of that requires that I work in very large scales inside of Max.
While I am sure I could just try to chop this mesh up in to smaller pieces to hopefully fix the error, I am only assuming I am having this problem because of the scale of the mesh.
I created a mesh that was 500 square meters, and divided 500 times, resulting ins a 500m-squared mesh built out of 1m-squared quads. I brought that mesh in to Mudbox (not trivial, yeesh) and sculpted on that (never sub-dividing the mesh). I exported that mesh back in to max and it looks great. However, its being viewed as an Editable Mesh, not an Editable Poly. When I convert the mesh to an Editable Poly, the faces no longer respect the smoothing groups, and it seems to be showing the mesh with vertex colours (black & white blending).

I've tried:
- Resetting the normals.
- Resetting Xform, the pivot, and the scale.
- Applying a new material.
- Painting all of the verts to a medium grey.
I know Max can do really stupid things some times with very large geometry, I figure this is one of them. I'm hoping someone has seen this before and knows of a solution that is not chopping this mesh up in to smaller scale pices (I'm not even sure if that would work). It would really interrupt my workflow to have to work with the terrain separated like that.
usually this works
turn to poly
edit normals - break them all
turn to poly
sort out normals in the conventional fashion
edit: I would make sure you use the "Selected" option when using the rescale world Unit utility....or it will fuck up the units for everything
This worked! Thank you
glad it worked!
I think I also have a fix for this problem... If it's the same as what I run into sometimes, I just selected the whole element, and detached it as a new object, and that fixes it!