basically, I want to create a realistic character on a motorbike, in the rain. wet hair, wet face, wet goggles, wet leather clothes, wet windshield, etc...
so i'm looking for advice on creating a "beaded raindrops on hard surface", "rain streaks" or "sweat" type of texture that can be layered into a shader?...
...or however to achieve this look i'm after
When you´re only going for some special textures because its lowpoly. Take a normalmap and paint your drops as little dots and streaks on top of your mesh. Add a specular and glossmap to control the behavior of your waterdrops and then mix those maps with the underlaying object material.
Rain streaks are simply fast falling materials with a stripe texture. Simpy just a photoshop wind effect with high contrast.
Sweat would be the same like the raindrops.
and shows a breakdown of his maps here: