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Russian Lady Survivor

polycounter lvl 11
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annachikn polycounter lvl 11
Hey Guys! I posted a WIP in WAYWO a week ago. Decided to make a thread for this project to get critique! You can check out some past progress work on my Sketchbook Thread. After the sculpt is done I am planning to retopo/bake to a game character, so stick around!

Here is the latest renders I did in Keyshot:



And a Zbrush render after I added in Fibermesh for the hair:



  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 11
    looking good, but id say tie her boots :-) its bugging me
  • annachikn
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    annachikn polycounter lvl 11
    So this is where I've been really struggling. I want to pose her holding an AK47 and I really have idea what looks right. I have two poses right now. The gun is still missing a lot of parts (like its top and other small parts). Also the fingers havent meed moved into position yet, I'm waiting for the overall pose to work first.


    Let me know, any of these look believable? Thanks!
  • annachikn
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    annachikn polycounter lvl 11
    looking good, but id say tie her boots :-) its bugging me

    haha, it's funny, someone else also mentioned this, complaining that she'd fall over if she goes anywhere. I might definitely redo the splines before I bake the laces, will probably make it easier for me in the long run.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    This is beautifull!
  • DougClayton4231
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    DougClayton4231 polycounter lvl 3
    I think it's great! The only critique that I would give is to soften the tension in the folds in the crotch region because denim doesn't pull that tight lol.
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    This is awesome; I really like her hat and backpack in particular. The second (right-hand side) pose looks better to me too; it seems more natural. You might be able to find some references of people holding a rifle with the sock over their arm right arm rather than under though.

    I think if you wanted the stock to be resting against her arm you'd have to have the gun pointing forwards. In fact there are references of the two poses I've mentioned here, small pics though.
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Hey, looking really nice. Great sculpting.

    A few things I noticed:

    Although from the front it looks fine, with the profile view you have, it looks to me like the area below her nose (orbicularis oris?) recedes in to much. It gives her a bit of a "hook nose" look that doesn't seem natural. I would smooth that area out a little.

    The length from her belly button to her crotch looks too short. That area needs more work and reference in general. Clothing is way too tight there!

    Her pinky finger is slightly too small (length might be OK but it's definitely too thin).

    Maybe reduce the size of her belt and buckle as it seems cartoonish.
  • annachikn
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    annachikn polycounter lvl 11
    Hey guys, thanks for all the comments and critiques, I really appreciate everything I can get!

    @Bek - Thanks for adding some reference!

    @DougClayton4231 - I totally agree about the tension, I sculpted the pants a long while back and havent really payed attention to them since. I will revisit that area.

    @Fomori - Thanks for so many critiques! I've been looking at this model for so long It's hard to notice things. Definitely agree about the part below the nose, it does recede too much. The pinky finger has been bothering me for a long time, because, like you mentioned the length I checked out, didn't even think about the width! And for the belly button, now that I look at it, I think it needs to be nudged up closer to her waist.
  • annachikn
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    annachikn polycounter lvl 11
    Here are the newest renders in Keyshot. After retrying multiple times trying to pose her using transpose master, I finally have something to show. The gun was giving me a lot of trouble, so I decided to postpone it, and give her a simpler pose. I have to say I struggled on the fingers, so they look a little broken right now. I will revisit that..yeah...


    and here is another render to show the back.

  • nikudy
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    nikudy polycounter lvl 13
    It's looking great so far.

    The thing that's bothering me the most are the boots. I would recommend you search google for references . I made a paintover because it's harder for me to explain in words( English is not my first language). It's an edit of your second image, so you can see a before and after:


    For the pose , i would vary the orientation of the right foot. Also a sideview might help us see some potential problems.
  • Dethling
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    Dethling polycounter lvl 11
    For the "AK Holding" I would go with the left version. Once because my superior always hit me if I hold my G3 like the right one :) But more important the left one looks more like she's ready for every supprise, it looks "readied".
  • annachikn
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    annachikn polycounter lvl 11
    @nikudy - Thanks for the paintover! I noticed you made the front of the boot and the back closer to the foot, were those the only two things you painted over? I sculpted these boots after a pair of super cheap boots I had, and I think the front of my boot was more bulbous (puffy) so that got translated to my sculpt, but looking at more picture on google, military boots do hug the feet closer. I didn't catch the back of the boot though, thanks!

    @Deathling - Thanks! I had another friend that was in the army tell me the same thing - how resting the butt of the gun allows for the person to jump into attack.
  • nikudy
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    nikudy polycounter lvl 13
    You should bring my paintover and your original image into Photoshop as layers and toggle one of them to see the differences. This is the process i am used to from my job. Most of my paintover was related to the boots but i touched a bit the face and hips also.

    For the boots: the front and the back are closer to the foot and the sole goes outwards a lot more( more than the foot, for stability).
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