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Sketchbook: exodune

polycounter lvl 5
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exodune polycounter lvl 5
Hello there! Well, I guess this is my sketchbook now.
To introduce myself:
My name's Aykut Sakarya and I'm studying Game Art & 3D Animation at the SAE Institute in Cologne right now. As of starting this thread, I don't have any experience in any 3D-Software whatsoever. That's gonna change, though. Which is why I made this sketchbook. To keep track of my progression.
For those interested, I also just started a blog dedicated to that exact same goal. Just thought more than one website wouldn't hurt! http://aykutsakarya.blogspot.com/ There you go, that's the blog. I'm gonna update this post only if there's changes to the URL of the blog or anything else minor.
So, I guess that's it for now. Oh, crits are highly appreciated, but keep in mind that I'm a TOTAL beginner at pretty much all of this.
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