Hay guys!
Im in the process of ending my contract at my current place of work and have decided that I need to radically up my portfolio before I start applying for more in the games industry.
Here's the fruits of my labor but I've hit a wall. This is my first cryengine scene so still learning and I need that last bit of crit so I can spend next week polishing it to a point I am satisfied with. Please help!

I do agree with Doug's comment though. Your lighting could be altered to further strengthen the scene. I find that throwing your image in PS and taking a look at it in black and white can always help determine where lighting values should be adjusted..
All the best!
edit- Would be nice to see a few close-ups of your door and monitors.
awesome cheers ill definitely give the idea of changing it to b&w a go when I get home to help better the lighting and will upload some more shots of the scene.
Umm its really hard to say as Ive been working on and off like 3 weeks maybe.