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I just want to say thank you

polycounter lvl 9
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Cheese_Shinobi polycounter lvl 9
This is looong overdo, but I would just want to say thank you to polycount and all the people that helped me on this forum in the past.

I dont visit the site as often as I did when I was working at home with my portfolio, but I will always appreciate the comments and critique that made me a better artist today.

I now work at a major studio in Sweden on a AAA game, a thing I could hardly dream about two years ago. The help I got from you guys was tremendous, and helped me shape up my work to be good enough to get a job.

All the hard and nice comments, all the time you spent looking at and highlighting stuff in my work, all the suggestions for improvement were so good for me.

I just want to say thanks for that. This is one of (if not the) best forum for 3D artists out there. For those of you who are struggling as I did back then, just keep going. It´s totaly worth it. If I could do it, so can you.

And I´ll probably see you more around here if/when I´m out of a job again :)

Again, thank you!


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