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My new portfolio website [hard surface / weapons] is up

Yaniv Dekel
polycounter lvl 10
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Yaniv Dekel polycounter lvl 10
Hey guys.
I've just launched my new website and wanted to share it with everyone.

Check it out:


Currently it's a little bit light on content, but I'm hoping it will get more populated when I get some more work :)

Most of the pieces there are weapons I made for the Rise of the Triad remake/reboot (proper art dump should be inbound soon).
I would love to know what you guys think, so don't hold back any critique about the site itself or the content.



  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Your assets look good, one thing I major dislike is the round edged and colored design of your frame borders, it dosnt really go with the other content at all. Its very stilized / unserious while the rest is rather harsh and serious, also red is a rather uninviting color, Id go with yellow like your warning stripes if you want a signal tone, red is basically saying "no" at-least in this usage

    Also be very careful with fonts, try staying with 2-3 different ones max. That red font on your about page has 3 attributes which all your others dont have per example.
    Its condensed, and serif (slab)

    Less is more! ;) Aside assets look good, lighting has nice contrast, background a bit too even for my tastes, mainly website stuff to crit : )
  • Luke003
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    Luke003 polycounter lvl 8
    Hey, I'm a huge fan of the look. I really like it. One thing I noticed is that when viewing the individual pieces, the image frames didn't re-size to fit my monitor space. I was viewing it on a portrait oriented monitor, and the only reason I noticed it was because I thought the background was jumping around when I clicked the links. It's not an issue really, but maybe just something to think about.
  • Yaniv Dekel
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    Yaniv Dekel polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the comments, guys.
    Luke, is it possible for you to take a screencap of what goes on for you? I'm not quite sure I understand fully.
    Shrike, thanks for the critique, I'll see about the title fonts in my info page.
  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
    when you go to bake out your normal maps, how are you making your cages?do you use xnormal? Im only asking because you have a lot of close meshes together and was wondering your technique.
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    Love the portfolio layout, reading and loading just fine on my 1080x1920 monitor. I personally am a fan of the rounded edges and color scheme. Its very professional looking/feeling, and super easy to navigate. Its straight forward, point across, etc. Really nice work and presentations to back it all up as well. Nice job, do not have any crits personally. Super clean HP/Hard Surface work.
  • SirSpangles
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    SirSpangles polycounter lvl 4
    how much of this is self texturing and how much of it is dDO? Looks nice either way
  • Yaniv Dekel
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    Yaniv Dekel polycounter lvl 10
    snake85027, I'm baking inside max. Simply exploding the models and pushing out the cage from its reset position, manually setting some areas if needed.

    Add3r, thank you very much. Appreciate it.

    SirSpangles, actually everything on the site is hand made. dDo is a very recent addition to my arsenal.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The layout of the website is fine, but the header screams to me "I just learned photoshop." The yellow and black caution tape, random 2d looking gear with drop shadow, excessive edge highlighted scratches, and blood splatters are just a bit tacky. Also the text and font on the header is done in 4 different ways for each part of text, keep it simple.
  • Yaniv Dekel
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    Yaniv Dekel polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the pointers. I toned done the highlights a bit and ever so slightly touched up the gear edges.
  • Luke003
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    Luke003 polycounter lvl 8
    Hey, I made a gif of what I'm talking about. Like I said, I don't think it's much of an issue, just something I noticed.

  • Yaniv Dekel
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    Yaniv Dekel polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for clearing that up. The background jumping should be fixed now. I'll see about the resizing issue.
  • Luke003
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    Luke003 polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for clearing that up. The background jumping should be fixed now. I'll see about the resizing issue.

    That fix worked. Doesn't jump around anymore. :)

    I don't know if you coded your page in raw html, or if this helps, but I put the width in my image tags at width="100%" to get them to scale. I'm not sure if the same thing works for tables or whatever it is you used, but hopefully that helps.
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