Hey everyone, I had to put this project down 3 weeks ago due to some things that came up but I'm ready to pick it back up again and I wanted to make a thread asking for opinions/critiques of where I am currently at. I have a bit further to go on the textures and I think I need to fatten up the base a bit to match the concept more. I did make a few subtle changes such as the handle at the top but other than that I tried to stay close to the concept.
Here is the concept, Josh Kao is the artist

Here is where I am currently at, presented in marmoset.

Here is the HP Model

Thanks everyone

Thanks man, I appreciate it
Lack of comments is interesting :poly124:, I'll still push forward with the changes I stated earlier and call this done...moving on!
Thanks man, I modeled it in 3ds max.
How many tri is this?
There is a slight "taper" on the tower on the concept, but apart from this it's excellent work.
Came in just at 5k tri's