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ZBrush - seams, while tiling.

polycounter lvl 11
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Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
Ok, So I made a texture in PS, which is fully tileable. Then I created a heightmap, and then I use this map in ZBrush, in Displacement slot. And What ZBrush made is in every border of the plane, takes the ploygons in propably Y axis, I guess. And then In Photoshop, there are seams. Look:


This happened after apply Displacement Map in ZBrush. Is there any way to lock the "Y" or "Z" axis, (this responsable for height in Viewport) on the borders of the plane, or to make ZBrush to matching the borders completely?

Sorry for PRO english.


  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    Your image does not appear to be loading
  • Mr Significant
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    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
    it's loading normally, maybe attachment will help:

    attachment below/
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    So, here's a question, are your square uv's before displacement inbetween 0-1? I usually use the regular zbrush plane for this.

    Are you using the wrap mode to sculpt? If you are go to transform and select only Z axis to sculpt, some of the brushes wont work that way.

    I usually do whatever sculpt I want, get the displacement to photoshop, take the tiling off inside photoshop and come back to zbrush to capture the nmap.

    Also, make sure you are not in perspective mode, frame pressing F and make sure you're with a flat angle holding shift.

    Use the old render in zbrush, not the BPR render.
    Capture it with ZApplink. then you should be good
  • Popeye9
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    Popeye9 polycounter lvl 15
    The canvas in zbrush leaves a border. It has to do with the way they render stuff. Marcus_civus wrote a really handy script to work around this if you dont want to paint out seams in Photoshop. Here is the link to the post explaining it and download


    Hope this helps.
  • Mr Significant
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    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
    Popeye9 but it's working only for zbrush, while I'm baking in xnormal. I dont want to render normal, AO, cavity etc in Zbrush.


    I use ZBrush plane for this. As always for the tileable textures.
    I don't heard about Wrap mode in ZBrush. Maybe it's time to check this out?
    First I make the tile in PS, then I applied it do displacement in ZB, then render the alpha in ZB, then go to PS and "repair" tiling. But ZBrush destroy it again.

    I'm not in perspective mode while doing this. Even when I sculpt, 90 % of time I'm in ortographic mode. It's framed then.

    I render this in Xnormal, as I say earlier. I grabbed the Alpha by GrabDoc.

    So I'll try this metods as you say bugo, then I'll post something when I had problems with it.

    Thanks guys!
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