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coming from UDK beginner question.

any help would be really appreciated.

1. i just exported my asset, i drop it in the level and its red (missing mat) so i create my material, drop it on the barrel, and its working. if i dont save my level that object is red next time i drop it in. how do i assign an object's default material? so anytime, on any map whenever i grabbed my barrel it has its material on it?

2. is there a content browser anything like there is in UDK? i forget the name of the browser, you could filter by materials, rocks, see your object in realtime etc.

3. i dragged an object in to the orth view and i cant select them? ive yet to be able to do anything in an orth view? i must be missing something.

4. also, is the key to frame what is selected Z? any other handy hotkeys anyone minds dropping?

cheers for any help.


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