I've recently whacked my head really hard, but don't worry I'm seeing a doctor.
My problem though is my polygonal modeling. I can't even do a low poly boot. Oddly enough I can still sculpt.
Has anyone else here had something like this happen, and how long did it take to get back to normal?
In conjunction with your inability to model simple forms, I've been playing guitar since I was twelve years old (I'm now 26) and songs that I had previously mastered I found myself incapable of recalling basic notes or chord formations. It is very easy to get frustrated or even confused when your body doesn't react or respond in the way that it typically would or should.
The only advice I can give you is to do exactly as your doctors say. Give yourself plenty of rest. Try to eat a very healthy diet full of (healthy) fats and proteins. Do not stress or strain yourself in any way, your brain will only distribute electrolytes to itself once all of your other bodily requirements have been satisfied, meaning that if you exercise all of your energy will go towards recovering from physical activity as opposed to healing your brain.
It took between two and three months until I felt mostly normal. It will go away in stages, you may think you're better but you're not entirely recovered. You'll stress yourself and them your symptoms will kick on again and linger, almost as if you've hit a reset button. All you can do is tell those around you what you're going through and hopefully they will understand. I found friends and co-workers very empathetic to my condition at the time and I thank them very much for that. I hope that level of sympathy is extended to you in your life and I'm confident that it will be. We live in an enlightened age and people today understand that head and brain injuries are not to be taken lightly. Good luck and feel free to ask me anything else that you may be wondering.
We're all going to make it, bro.
Also everything made me angry for some reason, well at least for the first week, I think it might have been the rise in body temperature.
It was as though my head was literally full of fog. It took me about three months to return to myself, although the poisoning lasted for only 2 days; any-who take it easy for awhile and eat plenty of grapes.
I've been trying to take it easy but I still need to pay bills so I'm still working. They let me take more breaks though.
Both of you had pretty long recovery times. That's pretty scary. I'm feeling very dumbed down and unskilled. I truly hope that doesn't last for the entire recovery.
OK, going to play with UDK and see if I can remember how to use it.
on the subject of nootropics theres lots of options like piracetam which has neurological protecting properties for alzheimer's and the like-Would highly recommend reading about this as the earlier you take it supposedly the better effect it can have on these types of injuries.
modafinil which I love is a wakeful stimulant smart drug, then you have basic vitamin, tryptophan etc mixes like alpha brain, neurozan etc.
Diet is important, may be cliche but cutting out wheat and gluten is supposed to make inflammation chill the fuck out.
there is also things you may want to look into like steroid use to promote healing or naturally boosting testosterone it to optimal levels with supplements like ZMA.
and get plenty of sleep, body does most of its repair work at night.
Now I have no doubt these can help other than CG my only passion used to be Jiu Jitsu and muay thai (well generally any full contact martial art) and i've had a few concussions, and got hit in the head a lot, stopped because of the potential damage.
But the only thing that really fucked me was when I got hit with a neurotoxin, and infection from a venomous spider, still only took me a month or so to recover from that, all I can say is the brain is very complex and pliable even when a area of the brain is damaged another can pick up where it left off, id rehabilitate yourself to CG the same way you would rehabilitate a joint injury.
I'm off to the neurologist tomorrow.
Going off to play in UDK didn't work very well. However I'm looking at it like you guys said. I'm slowly retraining myself. It is frustrating though.