hey all,
soo, like some other people I've got too many unfinished stuff on my hard drive and its bothering me really))) so I've decided to create this wip thread and finish them one by one. Maybe not all of them, but this is definitely long term, so bear with me :poly124:
I'll start with something recently abandoned. Earlier this year I've finished this concept piece and it was supposed to be commercial, but didn't happen. So now I'm just doing it for myself. Perhaps I'm gonna put it on 3DOcean to sell later. Not sure yet.

This is my current geometry, basically its rather sophisticated blockout. Tricount is irrelevant atm, there is much to be done with optimisation and modeling.

What I wonder though, is there something I can improve? Maybe its too busy or something doesn't fit other parts? Color scheme? Anything else?
Anyway, feel free to post any comments and suggestions, its all appreciated

I really like the concept and the texturing is simply amazing. The only little thing that bothers me is the color of the wood, but it's just personal taste. I think that a slightly darker wood would fit the piece better.
Dave Jr: sure! somebody already asked me same thing
What's the story behind this building?
Kyle, there is no story really. it is supposed to be steampunk workshop of some kind. Gyro Gearloose from Ducktales was a great inspiration. I've spent many hours back when I was a child watching Ducktales and Rescue Rangers. Crazy inventors were my favorites!!! And since I'm interested in the environment art, here it is - home for the crazy inventor
anyway, thanks for your input, much appreciated!
I'd see better something more subtle like this:
Dilkesy: thanks!