Hi all!
I figured it was finally time to start turning some of my zbrush character sculpts into actual finished game models. I worked on this little guy in my spare time during my last semester of college, and am currently in the process of making the low-poly. (I actually had started it in sculptris originally, and then moved him onto Zbrush's dynamesh and other fun stuff) As I'm going through it I'll be redoing a few things from the high-poly as I learned a lot more since then, with some additional texturing and work on the normals saved for last.
So far I just got the head done today and did a quick pelt map and Xnormal bake/marmoset render to make sure everything works right before getting too far down the road. The overall goal being to get him to a fully mapped state, with topology solid enough for some character animation.
I'm planning on keeping his face and body textures as a separate texture set from the clothing sub tools, in order to allow a little more flexibility in changing out his overall clothing and gear.
I was wondering if you guys usually close up the eye sockets with some polys, or is it just the eyelids? I figured sockets might not be needed behind the eyes but am unsure if it'll somehow affect the lighting. There's also the lack of a mouth bag/actual physical mouth, and I'm debating on whether or not to add one. I'm guessing if I were to do it, I'd have to carve a hole into his mouth, bring down and redo the lips, and then add in the teeth as a separate mesh.
Anyways, here's a screen of the head test and what the orginal high-poly was/is being based on.