Hi all, I'd like some advice for sculpting a piece I'm working on for a game called Maestros. Here's the concept (its #7)

Here's what I have so far:

It's assumed to be a large-scale object (bigger than a human). According to the concept artist,this is supposed to be a mutated mushroom. Its original color is white (tentative color subject to chance), and the rocky growths are actually hard bubbles. I imagine what he meant was something along the lines of this:

I don't have any experience sculpting/texturing organic material so any CnC is appreciated, thanks!
anyone that can point me to references on creating slimy/ooze stuff is awesome

here's the concept im working from (i know im deviating from it a lil bit):
nearing completion with the diffuse
@DWalker i took your critique into account, hopefully this looks better