I am re-posting this, recently found out how to properly post images...
This is my concept I did a few months back, I've decided to do a scene based around it, starting with a rough low poly model that I am going to later model to high poly when the environment is near completion.

This is roughly my third hard surface model I'm still comin along with it. I will post the finished model soon....critiques any and all are welcome!!
here are some updates.
thanks for the input
still working on it of course, I plan to have a rough of the final model by the beginning of the week
wires still to come
There is some interesting shapes going on, but then the bottom of the silhouette is just flat and a bit boring. Good idea adding landing gear, but they feel a bit tacked on and not very substantial- If they were to fold up, they would need more housing for the machinery inside of the wings. The wings thickness currently doesn't support this.
Maybe carry the forms from the top, down a bit further under the wings.
you could try beefing up those wings a bit.
play with bending them in an interesting direction.
More substantial landing gear, with a different front foot, than the two rear feet
Does the landing gear fold up for flight?
look up helicopter reference for ideas. Landing gear is pretty cool if done right:
pic 1
pic 2
pic 3
reference reference reference!!!
The landing gear is intended to go up during flight, I extruded some faces to make the housing for them, still need to have more room.
I really like the idea of carrying down some of the top shapes to the bottom I am going to mess around with that and build the wings out a lot more try some nice angles and see how it goes.
Super helpful input I really appreciate it!
Ill continue to post the progress
I am going for a skid landing gear now still havent modeled it out yet, plan on that later today.