Hey Polycount:
I have a ZBrush sculpt I want to rig to pose for a 3D print, but I do not know about how to rig a model of several million polygons, with seperate armor piece etc. Is there any special process to this that I need to know about, or is it really just a matter of "can your computer handle the weight?"

edit: what Per said
Or: http://pixologic.com/interview/artist-in-action/demo-reel-with-zbrush/3/
But I think what you're looking for (I hope XD) is the Rig method, a video should help:
if you have subdivisions on your subtools, you export the lowest subdivision to your rigging software, rig, skin and pose, then export each part out again, and when you import them back on to lvl1 of their corresponding subtool, your subtools will be posed.
If you dont have subdivisions, now its even easier to retopo with zremesher and re-project the details back on.