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Normal Map Problem

Hey all,

I am using X normal to bake out some maps, the problem is i am having trouble with a particular portion of the model, i have checked the cage and its fine, also because the problem area exists on the inside of the object (inside lamp head, where bulb goes), i detached those parts and baked them separately, however the results came of the same, any ideas as to what causes this issue?



  • timotronprime
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    timotronprime polycounter lvl 12
    What does it look like on your model?
  • Makkyo
    Thanks for the reply, really need to solve this asap :) here is an image of what it looks like as requested, the white part underneath where the bulb goes correlates with the messy part of the normal map.
  • timotronprime
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    timotronprime polycounter lvl 12
    I wouldn't suggest detaching your mesh for normal map projection then merging it back together coz that changes the normals on the boundary edges.

    First things first, is your bake properly setup?
  • Makkyo
    Im using Xnormal for baking.

    Settings used:

    I have added the highpoly mesh.
    Then i added the lowpoly mesh.
    Under the low poly mesh i added the cage (Which i have checked and its fine).
    I set edge padding to 4, bucket size 32.
    Normal Map tangent space checked and X+ Y+ Z+ As swizzle coordinates
    Closest hit if ray fails.

    Things i have tried:

    I have tried removing the cage, same problem.
    I have tried making the cage bigger, Same problem.
    I have tried deleting all parts of the object apart from problem area, same problem.
    I have tried flipping normals, no luck.
  • timotronprime
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    timotronprime polycounter lvl 12
    One thing is your mesh is having textures that don't seem present on your normal map.

    If you don't mind, could you send the obj's of just the lampshade over?
    Offline / Send Message
    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    Judging by the gradients in the normal map it looks like you have no smoothing groups set up and are baking with one smoothing group. The error that is showing up could be a projection issue and you might need more geo to solve it. Could you post a picture of your lowpoly without wires, lowpoly poly with wires, and highpoly.
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