I started working on a new project as I needed to take a break from working on my train model because I started to feel like I got nowhere with that. I'll try to get back to it after finishing this one.
So I started working on a sniper rifle based on a concept by
Rock Davinci:

Here's what I've got so far:

I'm mostly sticking to the concept but have changed some things a little bit such as elongating the barrels and some of the parts around the scope
I'm pretty happy with how it's looking right now so I'll be starting the lowpoly tonight if no one finds any big flaws with the HP. The material definition is pretty crappy, but I'll spend time on that once I get to the texturing stage as I mostly just wanted to establish the colors.
So what do you think about it?
Good luck on the model, it will be awesome when there will be textures and maybe some more details! Keep up the good work.
Gotta +1 this.
I'll +1 this as well.
I think it's a really cool concept and as far as base shapes and silhouette goes your heading in a good direction, my only problems, other than what was already posted about the proportions is your bevels, which you have on almost everything seem way to large when compared to the concept, from a first person view it makes the gun look pretty blobby in my opinion. Good luck, would like to see an update, I love me some hard surface stuff.
+1-ing this also.
Another thing that I would suggest is possibly having some sharper edges. In the concept, it looks like some of the edges aren't as soft or rounded as some that you have in your model.
One thing that is throwing me off slightly is that some of the yellow stripe decals are missing, so the body of the gun feels to plain and empty. I really like what I'm seeing so far though. Good work!
Here's how it looks:
The yellow paint is just temporary for now and far from perfect, I'll re-do it for the texture later as it is currently stretched and distorted in some places because of some sub-optimal topology in some places. When I get to redoing it I'll just make the stripes with some projection painting via Photoshop instead.
I still need to add some more smaller damage on the flat parts and dirty it up, but it is getting there. I also need to break up the flat colors with some subtle color variation.
I still need to bake some lowpoly AO as well as I have kind of avoided that as I generally get shitty blocky AO when I try baking that so any and all recommendations for that would be very welcome.