Greetings. I am a newcomer here. Should have registered long time ago.
I am hobbyist 2D artist. I never went to Art collage or had lessons. Learned how to draw by myself.. with mouse. Damn 6 years now or a little less. Never had a chance to buy a tablet (so broke), but when I did, it is still very useless. Cant draw with it for shizle and learnig how to draw with it is just frustrating, also, I could draw things instead of learning how to put few lines on screen so they will make sense. Anyway. I started as Icon Creator at Hive Workshop. People liked what I drew, but with time ofcourse. Some of them considered me one of the best. Pff.. icons.. this is nothing considering possibilities of World of Drawing. So, I moved on. Started drawing humans, faces.. and stuck. Didnt went far, eh? Stop drawing for long time. Played games. But yet again, games inspired me and I started drawing.. weapons.. armors.. I think Dota 2 concepts is what I should be doing for now.
Most disappointing about things I drew besides icons, is that they are useless. Unneeded abandoned to rot on Hard Drive. I am planing to change that, by trying to put them in a game I like. But I cant model. Damn it, I dont even ahve internet in my house anymore. So I will post my concepts here.. and maybe when I will get back my internet, I will be able to cooperate with 3D artist.
Some of ya may ask: "Erm.. but you have internet since you are posting here.. Derp". No. I dont have Internet, Computer that could do work I need and workplace AT SAME TIME. You see. I have this very old and good for nothing laptop, which I can take to the place where Internet is. So, I can work on textures for models and cooperate, but so damn slow.
Concepts of Hammers for Omniknight.

Some staves that could possibly fit in game. Alchemical one (4th) is in progress.

Bloodseeker's weapons. ALl of them look alike, because they follow same idea, but different variations.

Weapons for Spectre or Antimage.

Some daggers I drew. No idea for which hero exacly. I havent played Dota 2 for more than half a year.

So I tried to make Dazzle to look not like gay rockstar.

It is been ages since I posted anything in here. It is time. Some weapons. Daggers, Axordians (a name I gave to those weapons, because they are mix between axe and sword) for Doom or other Dire Heroes and a bow or Wind Runner.

You should create a bunch of Phantom Assassin blades and some pudge hooks!
Be original.
I'll model
Similarly, I think you've got a lot of small details that probably won't show up as much more than noise.
Anyway, great use of negative space. I'm excited to see more of your designs in the workshop in the future! ^^
As soon as I will be done with current tasks and get my internet back, I will think of your proposition. I really would like to cooperate with everyone, but it is impossible.
nice update..i will work on some of them tomorrow maybe..will you texture them?(As soon as you get and internet connection ofc)
There's a lot of potential, but you should work on the form first, on the details later.
Yes. Ike have shown me your quotes. I belive you are right. Weapons too dark, and shape is the most important. The thing is, I ahve been asked to color Bloodseeker's weapons. Just that. My work should get better with tie as I will really dig into this.
Now now. Don't be haste. Some of Spectre Antimage weapon concepts are busy and some of Bloodseeker's weapons may be created in future. I say you should not model anything for now or at least put lots of effort into it at least.
can i take second weapon for omni?
I have to disappoint you. I would like to participate in texturing of every concept I make. I dont want things otherwise (should have mention this in description). I am busy now and will not be able to do more than that. And giving concepts away like this is.. not good idea. Even if I kind of did that already by posting them here.
I don't think there's something wrong with this idea unless you don't check previous works of the person who's interested in the concept.
Makes sense actually. I will not be able to texture EVERY concept I make.
I really like these ones in particular, you mind if I try my hand at some of them?
I am afraid all of them are used by other people, but not the first one. YOu can have it.
this one right?
New stuff.
Made few variations of a weapon for Bristleback.
And here is armor concept for Dark Seer
@Sukotto i kinda started that one already. and the round one with 2 spikes
I wish I would have internet at home and see your post earlier. But nooooooooo. Also Godzy didnt told me a thing about metal club. At least not until now.
cuz u left without even saying goodbye dooh. but if he really wants it he can take it. i only made the basemesh for it. but the wooden one im already sculpting.
Not sure what you mean, but thanks anyway.
I think that he meant your concepts reminds of the game Darksiders, which have a pretty kick ass art style!
Really great concepts by the way, would love to work on some of your stuff
my workshop link is :
EDIT: aaaand it is taken.
Edit: Added alternate in development concept for Naga Siren. Ment to be replacement for first armor. Colors need work.
Well, second Naga Head is being made by Godzy. Rest is just like clusters that fits nowhere. Head items and weapons have future in workshop for her.
Ahh ok. Is the Axe concept available to use? Seems like it would be awesome to model!
Axes for CK and Axe are taken. I have no content to post for now.