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Sweet ass collab thread.

ngon master
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almighty_gir ngon master
Yo guys,

a while ago, some other gnarly polycounters and i started up a sweet ass collaborative effort. it was on hold for quite a bit due to work commitments, but it's now back up and running.

the idea behind the collaboration was to create a scene from The Silmarillion (a Tolkien book), which features an elf fighting a balrog.

we wanted to make a short animation, between 30-45 seconds at the most, to showcase multiple aspects of the scene, these are:

Sweet ass environment techniques - Metalliandy is providing the environment art, which will have some awesome rocks, and snow, as well as some melted snow + charred rocks where the balrog is walking.

Sweet ass VFX - Lee3dee is providing the VFX for the scene, including snowfall, fire effects for the balrog, and some subtle magical effects for the elf.

Sweet ass rigging + animation - Slipsius is providing the rigging for the scene, and Andrew Tran is providing the animations.

Sweet ass characters - I'm providing the characters for the scene. this will be one balrog, visually inspired by the latest LOTR films, but with the notion that one balrog is not all balrogs, they were all unique and had different characteristics and looks. so there are definite visual similarities, but also a few differences, particularly in the proportions. I'll also be making one elf, Glorfindel.

background info on the scene here:

visual inspiration:

and finally this one, we really liked the atmosphere in this one:

Design decisions -
Currently we're going with no membrane on the balrog wings, looking carefully in the movies you can see they don't either. there are a couple of reasons we chose to do this:
1. in the book it's ambiguous as to whether balrogs even have wings... more info can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balrog

2. it provides an interesting visual challenge in the form of effects - how can we create wings of shadow?

We've gone for a snow packed mountainside for our setting, we're having to form a kind of cliff edge for the encounter to happen on. in the book, Glorfindel was leading refugees from the siege/fall of Gondolin through the mountains when they were attacked by a Balrog leading an army of Orcs. since we're a small group and can't dedicate enough time for all of that (unfortunately) we've decided to focus on the two main characters and their setting. this means we've had to tweak the encounter in the interests of making a functioning scene over being 100% loyal to the book.


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