Here's a funny story... this goes through and certain games are linked with terrorism. Then World of Warcraft gets added to the list and the US starts invading and bombing the entire world because they house terrorists (aka WoW players).
Its a good thing that they are hard at work on finding the link between videogames and violent behavior. For a second I was worried that untreated mental illnesses like PTSD might be a more important issue.
I'm hoping this doesn't become a larger issue now that it's starting to hit the right-wing echo chamber via Fox & Friends. They're desperate to change the narrative away from gun violence. It's been a trend with these mass shootings because "now is not the time to talk about gun control." Of course, video games become the scapegoat. It can't possibly be easy access to precise killing tools and our gun culture that makes these incidents so prevalent. It's got to be video games.
I wouldn't have bothered posting this if not for observing how relatively unknown groups (the "tea party", et al.) managed to push their way into the national spotlight because not enough people stood up to them. I'm sure you guys remember Jack Thompson. He never had a large enough following behind his lunacy but now that Fox is picking it up, there's a good chance that the echo chamber is going to ramp up the derp to a whole new level. If that happens, let's hope the ACLU will fight the good fight.
/Yes, I'm quite a raging liberal
//My apologies if that offends anyone, as that was not my intention
there's a good chance that the echo chamber is going to ramp up the derp to a whole new level
No there isn't...
This is the same mindless psychobabble Fox and until recently basically every other news program has been spouting for decades about entertainment of all forms, violent video games, movies, tv shows, rock and roll, rap music...
This is nothing new and it is not going to go anywhere.
To be fair, this has nothing to do with politics... Hasselbeck is just a TV personality. However, it does bother me how quick people are the point the finger at something they don't understand. Lots and lots of people play "violent" video games. A very small percentage of them also kill people, but they blame video games anyway. Lots and lots of people drink. A very small percentage of them end up killing/hurt others because of it, but nobody blames alcohol.
I like how the comments say that people and shows like this are far worse for society than videogames. The line between fact and fiction is much blurrier, and most people watching these shows can not tell the difference at all...
Ah this happens every time. GTA V is already getting accused of causing crime in the UK. Same people that shout about this used to say if you played Judas Priest records backwards, you could hear Satan (as opposed to you know, destroying you albums).
Fox and Friends makes it sound like a kids show. Only most kids shows are more intelligent than this.
There was a headline the other day about somone getting robbed for his copy of gta, but in reality he just got robbed and lost his mobile phone, copy of gta etc
They were just trying to make it sound as if GTA was to blame for the mugging
Isn't this the same thing that happens EVERY time there's a shooting incident? First they blame guns, then they find out the shooter played video games, maybe it goes back to gun control, then they finally realize it's just mental illness. It's a tiring argument, that the media has to always rehash; ignore facts, and superimpose your own feelings about something you have no understanding of. She's obviously a republican, who knows she's suppose to love her guns, so of course, she has to redirect the blame to something else. I suspect she's never touched a first person shooter, but somehow, she's an expert on how it affects personalities. Here's a clue for her: most of the males out there, under the age of 40, have grown up playing video games, and most continue to enjoy video games... and yes,that includes FPSs.
I'm not saying gun control is the answer either. I've said this every time the topic appears; mental illness is the problem. Signs were there, and they were ignored. They guy is former military (potential for PTSD), and he was hearing voices.
A side note, I use to think Elisabeth Hasselbeck was kinda hot, in the survivor days, but she's proving how ugly ignorance can be. I can't imagine sharing a room with this woman for more than 10 minutes.
Isn't this the same thing that happens EVERY time there's a shooting incident?
The timeline basically looks like this:
1) Tragic shooting happens
2) Left blames guns
3) Right blames videogames
4) Heated rhetoric and calls to action ensue
5) The issue is forgotten in 1-4 weeks and nothing is done
lol yep! this is pretty much the case, and seriously the video game "issue" will be rehashed over, and over, and over again in the media... I wouldn't put too much sock in it. Nothing is going to change on our end.
I'm gonna try not to waste too much words on this (no promises), but I do want to say something in comment to this. Let's examine the order of events as previously stated by Bibendum.
1) Tragic shooting happens
2) Left blames guns
3) Right blames videogames
4) Heated rhetoric and calls to action ensue
5) The issue is forgotten in 1-4 weeks and nothing is done
Is it just me or does it seem wrong to you that nobody cares to examine the mental stability of the guy who did the shooting? Why does there need to be ONE (they never even considered multiple) factor in his environment that can be assigned ALL of the blame? Some people go nuts, for various reasons. It's not right, it's not good, but it happens. How about we try to provide a more stable environment so this doesn't happen, instead of trying to blame these kinds of things on a form of entertainment that is not only recognized officially as an art form, but is also bringing entertainment to millions around the world? Let's not even mention the revenue.
Also, This is local for me. Good thing the game was still in the wrapper. If they had played it first, they would have left the guy to die, and stole all his money. clearly.
Is it just me or does it seem wrong to you that nobody cares to examine the mental stability of the guy who did the shooting?
They don't want to touch that one because both political parties have, at various points in the previous decade, been responsible for some pretty unforgivable actions to tear down the mental health system in the US.
See, focusing on that might bring up their past unsavory activities. That's simply too much of a risk. So they whip up a frenzy about something else instead to try and keep people distracted.
I've never heard of Democrats or liberals trying to cut mental health services. If you've got some evidence of that, I'd like to read it. It would be very useful.
I've never heard of Democrats or liberals trying to cut mental health services. If you've got some evidence of that, I'd like to read it. It would be very useful.
Look into what LBJ did during his presidency, if my memory is correct. After that, it might be worth looking into the federal court cases that were pushed by liberal groups to end medical institutionalization. Those rulings made it basically impossible to put somebody in involuntary long-term treatment because it was considered an infringement of their civil rights - even though it basically left the decision on whether or not to seek or follow treatment to somebody who was seriously mentally ill. Great bit of logic right there.
They don't want to touch that one because both political parties have, at various points in the previous decade, been responsible for some pretty unforgivable actions to tear down the mental health system in the US.
See, focusing on that might bring up their past unsavory activities. That's simply too much of a risk. So they whip up a frenzy about something else instead to try and keep people distracted.
Or.... perhaps mental health isn't in the spotlight because it isn't a contentious issue because it has no real clear solution and doesn't affect many people.
Where as just about anyone can blame a thing and claim that if we just restricted the sale of that thing our problems would be solved. Only to be stuck in a never-ending argument with others who feel that thing is not a problem so conversations naturally gravitate toward these topics and then get stuck on them.
I'll check it out sometime. Thanks for bringing it up. The reason I posted this thread was due to seeing a pattern of Fox News influence in Congressional affairs. I mean, you've got Congressmen pushing to seriously gut the social safety net in this country (food stamps) due to a Fox segment detailing "the great food stamp binge" - basically, government by anecdote.
It starts concerning me that our legislative body has members who don't rely on facts to make decisions. These same guys can easily make the leap of logic toward regulating video games and cutting into industry profits. I once heard someone say "You can prove anything by anecdote." I don't remember who it was, but it applies in this case. Maybe I'm worrying about nothing and you guys are right. I sure hope so.
News networks aren't about the news, they're about viewers, hits, and advertising money. Used to be both - News, and grabbing readers attention so they'd read, so businesses would want to advertise in the papers and get more customers, and the paper could continue to be published. They'll say anything to get people to watch, since they're competing with the "common people's" ability to share news at-will and at any time of the day.
its turning into a televised reddit with very loud idiots reacting to internet posts and trends instead of really trying to find a story. Different angles in televised news seems to be thrown out the window, there is only one angle - which is the brand.
Really feel Fox News, CNN, the Voice, MSNBC, whatever... are all just forum trolls evolved into television personalities
also want to add that between the ages of 2 and 4, i would walk around with my dad's voice recorder pretending to be Peter Jennings, and I would interview my dad, brother, or just talk about stuff. I loved that stuff, and really makes me sad as to what network news has become.
I've never heard of Democrats or liberals trying to cut mental health services. If you've got some evidence of that, I'd like to read it. It would be very useful.
^ This!
And here I was thinking that long gone are the days of someone telling me that I can't massacre people with a chainsaw in a virtually simulated environment for more than 30 minutes. Awwwwwwwwww bollocks!
On a more serious note though, she said it herself when this sort of things happen, people look for something to blame it on. Some blame it on guns, some blame it on games, others find themselves watching a table tennis game of sorts and get a crick in there neck. Everyone has been listening to the same arguments being put forward for years.
Second, lolhassellback
Team America: World Police.
oh wait...
I wouldn't have bothered posting this if not for observing how relatively unknown groups (the "tea party", et al.) managed to push their way into the national spotlight because not enough people stood up to them. I'm sure you guys remember Jack Thompson. He never had a large enough following behind his lunacy but now that Fox is picking it up, there's a good chance that the echo chamber is going to ramp up the derp to a whole new level. If that happens, let's hope the ACLU will fight the good fight.
/Yes, I'm quite a raging liberal
//My apologies if that offends anyone, as that was not my intention
This is the same mindless psychobabble Fox and until recently basically every other news program has been spouting for decades about entertainment of all forms, violent video games, movies, tv shows, rock and roll, rap music...
This is nothing new and it is not going to go anywhere.
Lots and lots of people play football. A very small percentage of them also kill people.
Lots and lots of people go to school. A very small percentage of them also kill people.
See what I did there?
All the recent shooters also ate food, got sleepy sometimes, and were constantly breathing!
Fox and Friends makes it sound like a kids show. Only most kids shows are more intelligent than this.
They were just trying to make it sound as if GTA was to blame for the mugging
I'm not saying gun control is the answer either. I've said this every time the topic appears; mental illness is the problem. Signs were there, and they were ignored. They guy is former military (potential for PTSD), and he was hearing voices.
A side note, I use to think Elisabeth Hasselbeck was kinda hot, in the survivor days, but she's proving how ugly ignorance can be. I can't imagine sharing a room with this woman for more than 10 minutes.
The timeline basically looks like this:
1) Tragic shooting happens
2) Left blames guns
3) Right blames videogames
4) Heated rhetoric and calls to action ensue
5) The issue is forgotten in 1-4 weeks and nothing is done
Surely the could point everything to tintin and captain haddock altogether.
1) Tragic shooting happens
2) Left blames guns
3) Right blames videogames
4) Heated rhetoric and calls to action ensue
5) The issue is forgotten in 1-4 weeks and nothing is done
Is it just me or does it seem wrong to you that nobody cares to examine the mental stability of the guy who did the shooting? Why does there need to be ONE (they never even considered multiple) factor in his environment that can be assigned ALL of the blame? Some people go nuts, for various reasons. It's not right, it's not good, but it happens. How about we try to provide a more stable environment so this doesn't happen, instead of trying to blame these kinds of things on a form of entertainment that is not only recognized officially as an art form, but is also bringing entertainment to millions around the world? Let's not even mention the revenue.
Also, This is local for me. Good thing the game was still in the wrapper. If they had played it first, they would have left the guy to die, and stole all his money. clearly.
They don't want to touch that one because both political parties have, at various points in the previous decade, been responsible for some pretty unforgivable actions to tear down the mental health system in the US.
See, focusing on that might bring up their past unsavory activities. That's simply too much of a risk. So they whip up a frenzy about something else instead to try and keep people distracted.
I have heard of Reagan gutting the NIMH. It's a long read, if you're interested.
Look into what LBJ did during his presidency, if my memory is correct. After that, it might be worth looking into the federal court cases that were pushed by liberal groups to end medical institutionalization. Those rulings made it basically impossible to put somebody in involuntary long-term treatment because it was considered an infringement of their civil rights - even though it basically left the decision on whether or not to seek or follow treatment to somebody who was seriously mentally ill. Great bit of logic right there.
Where as just about anyone can blame a thing and claim that if we just restricted the sale of that thing our problems would be solved. Only to be stuck in a never-ending argument with others who feel that thing is not a problem so conversations naturally gravitate toward these topics and then get stuck on them.
It starts concerning me that our legislative body has members who don't rely on facts to make decisions. These same guys can easily make the leap of logic toward regulating video games and cutting into industry profits. I once heard someone say "You can prove anything by anecdote." I don't remember who it was, but it applies in this case. Maybe I'm worrying about nothing and you guys are right. I sure hope so.
Oh, man, do I have bad news for you about members of Congress...
Poor choice of words on my part.
its turning into a televised reddit with very loud idiots reacting to internet posts and trends instead of really trying to find a story. Different angles in televised news seems to be thrown out the window, there is only one angle - which is the brand.
Really feel Fox News, CNN, the Voice, MSNBC, whatever... are all just forum trolls evolved into television personalities
also want to add that between the ages of 2 and 4, i would walk around with my dad's voice recorder pretending to be Peter Jennings, and I would interview my dad, brother, or just talk about stuff. I loved that stuff, and really makes me sad as to what network news has become.
You certainly don't see them make it an issue whenever people go on killing spree's either.
Mostly the deteriorating mental health services is related to state budget cuts.
^ This!
And here I was thinking that long gone are the days of someone telling me that I can't massacre people with a chainsaw in a virtually simulated environment for more than 30 minutes. Awwwwwwwwww bollocks!
On a more serious note though, she said it herself when this sort of things happen, people look for something to blame it on. Some blame it on guns, some blame it on games, others find themselves watching a table tennis game of sorts and get a crick in there neck. Everyone has been listening to the same arguments being put forward for years.
how is a dumb blond moment like this taken seriously and plastered on the news?