Hiya folks! I'm about to start a personal project where my goal is to remake the "legendary" Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. The game's one of my most favorite games ever as I spent hours and hours playing it on my old GBC. Now later on I've taken interest in pretty much everything that has something to do with game making: 3d, 2d, programming etc. So I've decided to try to push myself in recreating the game. (At least to a certain point as the game is pretty huge :poly124:)
I will hand-paint the textures as like many others I've fallen for their visual look (haha I know polycount is stuffed with hand-painted stuff so if you can bare with it I'll be grateful! :P).
I'll be honest, my modeling and texturing skills are nothing fancy at the moment and they might not make you go wow! but that's the reason I'm starting this project; to learn and push myself! So every comment, critique, advice, idea etc. what ever you come up with is more than welcome!
The game will be played from the same perspective as the original one so I'm not trying to turn it in to a 1st person or something.
As the game is modular I'll try to paint tileable textures and modular models as much as possible so this is one aspect I'm diving in to as well.

Original game
Some questions I have for you at the beginning is that do you recommend using UDK or Unity for this kind of project? I've little experience with Unity and pretty much no experience with UDK so far but I'm enthusiastic to spend time learning these as well!
When it comes to texturing should I unwrap the UVs first and paint the textures on those layouts or maybe paint the textures first and fit the UVs on those?
My preliminary goal list:
- Improve my modeling and texturing skills
- Paint tileable textures
- Improve and learn game programming
- Understand more what's happening and things that should be considered when making games
- Have fun
- Learn new stuff
- Maybe even make the game somewhat playable(?)
- Learn DP!

I'll be working on this project as often as possible and keep you guys updated!
Like I said: comments, critiques, ideas, advice etc. are more than welcome!
Now off for today!
Ps. Sorry for not having anything fancy for now
Regarding the UV-unwrapping/painting workflow... maybe test out what works best for you, I do my UVs first, but maybe there are people doing it vice versa.
Gosh I've been too busy -.-
I figured that I could/should prolly start from the protagonist: LINK! Just to get the scale and such for everything else. Currently trashing with his concept, or at least the silhouette part of it. Making concept art is something I really do suck at so please bare with me and as always, comments and critiques: yes please!
So here's my first try for his silhouette. Opinions?