I have no idea whats going here.. I just downloaded Maya 2014 because I hated 2013 and was hoping 14 would be better.. I was having this issue with 13 where I cant get maya to NOT do symmetry when moving a vert around.. Its so frustrating.. I have to use 2012 because it doesnt have this issue.. but I would love to know how to fix it.
It does it most all of the time, but sometimes it will actually work correctly.. I go to select one vert and when I move it, another vert on the other side of my object moves as well?!?! Its not selected or anything.. and I saw this new modeling toolkit where you can do symmetry but Ive turned that off and it still acts up.... Also the verts move in opposite directions.. I am so frustrated..
In 2013 it would do somewhat the same thing, but it would actually select both verts even though I only selected one.. and wouldnt let me de-select the one I didnt want to move...
Any Ideas?? Any help would be great.. Thanks :poly127:
Go into Vertex mode (RMB)-> vertex. Click a vert on your mesh.
Double click your Move Tool to bring up the tool settings. Scroll down and turn off reflection.
Double click on the Move Tool icon to open the Tool Settings panel, scroll down and make sure Reflection isn't checked.
Otherwise the quick way to turn it on/off is to press and hold "w" then left-click-hold and drag upwards quickly (goes through to the Reflection marking menu and turns it on/off), that's also how people sometimes activate it by accident.