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Portfolio feedback - technical artist

Hi everyone,

I have my latest portfolio at www.aleksdigital.me . This is a technical artist portfolio and includes demos of a modular autorigger, updating an old tool, two "mega" shader libraries, and a spirotropic curve example on github. Any feedback would be great!!


  • Nosslak
    Offline / Send Message
    Nosslak polycounter lvl 12
    There is just way too much stuff going on. I have nowhere to focus or rest my eyes as there moving pictures all over the page. IMO there are a lot of problems with the page as it is right now.

    1. Use one video (not GIF, use Vimeo/Youtube instead) per script/plug-in on the main portfolio page with links to a separate page for each plug-in.

    2. Under each project names header have a short and concise description of each project. Using tooltips for this has got to be the single worst possible way to do this as it is very easy to miss them and they disappear after a while.

    3. Use fewer and longer videos per project. Also try to show off the most impressive things first.

    4. The webdesign looks very boring. This is mostly subjective but this in conjunction with the other points make the experience of visiting your portfolio sub-optimal.

    On the comparison video for the arm with and without your plug-in I couldn't tell the difference between the results.
  • aleksdigital
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks for the feedback!! :)
  • R3voke
    Offline / Send Message
    The work is really cool man! as he said, atm it looks far too cluttered, cant really focus on anything, and to someone who doesn't have a clue about rigging, i think some short descriptions are needed :) but the work is very nice :)
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