Hello everyone!
I am currently working on a game with five other people. It is a dark mystic game focusing on story and immersion.
Ambient music to set the mood.
Docking bay:
The sprites here are mostly done, might go back and trim the colours later.

Docking bay, lighted:
Experimenting with lighting, we are thinking of fixing the light in some other way in brighter rooms like this one.

Pod room:

Character walk cycle:

Character description:
[FONT="]People have called you all kind of things along the years: Scavenger, salvager, bootlegger, smuggler and even a ghoul. You have grown accustomed to the hecklers, hypocrites who themselves are ghouls, living off humanity as a parasite.[/FONT]
Walk cycle of an enemy:

We have taken inspiration from games like amnesia where you can't do much else than hide and avoid enemies. We don't want another space shoot 'em up game.
Other inspiration sources:
Outer world
Lone survivor
2001: A space odyssey
Thoughts and opinions?