Hey polycount new n00b on the block I've been modeling for a very short time and I thought why not throw my stuff up here *shrug* feel free to have at me (haha) so Yesterday I came up with an idea (stupid idea once I realized that its way out of my league). After doing a character assignment which focused on the low to high poly work flow I wanted to try it the other way around. I decided that I would do Kat from gravity rush/daze. So I spent most of the day planning and looking for reference heres my brainstorm cloud and workflow thingy that happened to come about:

Then I started gathering the reference tree and did a 60 sec sketch next to it:

So today i've been working on a dynamesh blob to re-topo so heres that so far:

I'll post progress everyday from here on until its completed.
Thank you for opening up the thread and reading though my rambles.
