Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques


Hello Guys!


Just to update! We are live!


As lobo had placed up. We are so thrilled to finally be able to show somethings with everyone! Every day we have a team of people working to get things done for this. There is so much excitment on the project that it makes me thrilled to be a part of such an awesome team! So please, show some support through our kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/crashgem/churbles-a-beautiful-3d-rpg-adventure) or even if you are hard on cash just vote for our green light on Steam! (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=184955981)

Here is our first trailer also! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6oswsUhHyA

We can't make this game without the help of the community!

Again, this is an indie project with dedicated people who also have full time jobs. This is a side project we want to make a reality!



our Facebook


Thank you so much in advance!


:)To answer some questions and more to come:

What kind of game is Churbles?

Churbles will be a story driven RPG with a strong focus on player-driven customizable gameplay and have simulation elements to it.*

What is the story about?

From the start, you are an otherworldly spiritual being called the Namuh. As this spiritual being you will provide help and guidance to the Churbles as they make their way through a dangerous world to become true heroes. Churbles will feature several campaigns, or story lines that will expand both the content of the game and the lore of the Churble World. The game will initially launch with a single player campaign called "Rise of the Salamandur" with additional expansion campaigns we hope to release after launch.*

What is Rise of the Salamandur about?[

Our first campaign story will start with a lone Churble. This lone Churble has decided he wants to be a hero and has decided to create a Guild Hall to attract others who are interested in the cause. Mainly to become heroes crush lots of skulls and loot lots of corpses. Doing some less than heroic good deeds, our trio will eventually find themselves up against a powerful yet awesome evil trio as well. These evil Churbles are out for power and control for all their own selfish means.*

What about these additional campaigns you mentioned?

More campaigns will be released once we have launched to keep the fun and excitement of the game going as well as to expand its lore. There is so much to this world that we have in mind and we hope to constantly be adding to it.*
Some of these additions will come in as free updates but we are also looking to create expansions in the form of DLC. This will allow us to keep the original price of the game, which we wish to be affordable for all. It also allows the player to decide just how much Churbles they really want.*
We are looking to introduce new heroic paths, new monsters, new races, and new areas, as well as lots more to explore, story lines and loot!*

What do you mean simulation elements?

We are looking to make Churbles feel as if they are living creatures. As living creatures in their down time they will eat, sleep, train, and play inbetween adventures! As the Namuh you will help the Churbles by upgrading their Guild Hall or directly interacting with them. Playing with the Churbles will raise experience in the same ways fighting can, offering a fun alternative to leveling up.*

How will environment be handled?

All of the environments in Churbles will be created in 3D based on the concept designs of our extremely talented environment artist. Churbles provides a very unique opportunity for environment design because the entire game takes place underground.

The Guild Hall:

The Guild Hall is a fully modular environment that the player will be able to design and enlarge as they play through the game. It will give each player a chance to have their own look. Allowing each player to have a unique home. The guild will serve as sort of a quest hub between adventures, it also will be the Churble's home: a place for them to eat, train, and play. The player will be able to observe the Churbles and their allies as they go about their lives and business in the guild hall. The player will be able to interact directly as well by giving them gifts, helping with training, or even playing games with them.*


Currently the gameplay design focuses on exciting tactical battles and story development *and less on the exploration of dungeons and locales. The choices players make during story scenes can alter the way battle will play out or the order they occur in. Battles will take place in richly designed 3D “arenas” similar to the turn based RPG’s of the playstation era.

Overworld Map:

The overworld map for Churbles is node based similar to games like Final Fantasy Tactics. Random encounters can occur as the Churbles traverse the map moving from point A to point B. They are also secret areas of the map that can be unlocked through gameplay and story choices.


We have every intention of Kickstarting this project sometime this fall. It’s our goal to build a game with a strong community of players who have a voice in how their game is developed.
The good guys





The Bad guys




A litle bit of a mix


And one of our Environments in the works



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