Been a while since i posted a thread, so i figured its time to start doing that again.
last few nights I've been working on this ugly fella, he started off as a speed sculpt but i decided to clean it up and get some bakes out of it later.
I'm aiming for a pretty high end character bust (dx11 tesselation, reflections, sss etc). For now it's in Marmoset, but eventually I'd like to port it over to Unity and get some kind of interactive thing setup.
Here's a screen grab of the sculpture in various stages

Here's a quick paint over of the things I'd like to add to his HP before calling it done. I also need to sculpt unique shoulder pads, not just mirrored ones...

And finally, a little bit of retopo stuck into marmoset, was a good little test... just need to retopo the rest of him. The drool is done with a couple of alpha planes using the complex refraction shading mode in Marmoset.

They just make the skull look too big imo.
I think what bb0x is seeing with the dreads is due to the way they transition from the scalp. It almost looks like the skin of the scalp is growing up onto the first few centimeters of the dreads, rather than sitting tightly on the cranium. This is more apparent on either side of the hairline rather than the center.
I'd also soften up the edges on the pauldrons a tiny bit.
The flesh is looking great. Looks like you're really stepping up your material game. Can't wait to see this finished.