Just want some crit on my male mesh. It's going to be used for my character for my university project.
He'll be fully clothed but you'll be able to see his hands and head. I didn't go into much detail with the sculpt as its going to be my base mesh.

I just want to know if my proportions are okay or if there's anything that needs changing. Like I stated it's my first attempt at a male body and I'm looking to improve.
I know you're planning on throwing some clothes on him, but it couldn't hurt to really nail the spine of the scapula. Depending on the type of clothing, they will often dictate the way the cloth will drape.
You might also be able to bring the armpits down a few centimeters, there doesnt seem to be enough room above them for both the deltoids and pectoralis muscles in the front, and the deltoids and long head of the triceps in the back.