Hi guys, A long time lurker in these parts, just wanted to drop a few images from the recently released Killzone Mercenary on PSVita.
Late 2012 I had the fortune to go down to help the guys at Guerrilla Cambridge for a while at the end of their project. I therefore had limited opportunities, but really enjoyed helping them finish off a great game.
I worked on one of the early levels, not sure exactly where in the story mode it fits in. I worked along side Lead Artist Gary Buchanan to take the level from Art 1 -> to ship. The early level development was : Gary Buchanan, Jay Brindle, Fearn Bunyan
I wasn`t really happy with the Vita resolution

so made panoramas of my level work.
..anyway, on with pictures.
I put up some work here because my ISP suck so badly!
Ps. I`m also looking for some Fulltime/Freelance/Contract work! :poly121:
I was lucky enough to gain an internship at Cambridge and work on some of the building block kits/cleanup for the props in the Vekta levels!, was amazing to see them all together in a level!
Michael, Ah, I believe I might have seen you around with the other interns, I just kept to my team, which is something I regret, needed to find out what others were doing, and not just stay too focused.