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WIP of my Hero - Crits & Comments

SOOOOOOOO this guy is coming along. Whats Left to do: Retouch boots, redo knee pads (didnt have enough skull crackery lol) retouch upper leg armor(make sure it matches the rest of it), few more plates of armor down his screen-right arm, Detailing, retopo it, give'em some textures and all those fun maps... All in 8, 9ish days. :poly142: Crits and Comments always welcomed. :) Good morning peeps. Oh yeah he needs a belt with a big ass belt buckle with angel glyphs on it. 4cn8.jpg


  • Javibcln
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    Javibcln polycounter lvl 8
    Hey man! Its looking really good! The one thing I can see here is that hands look a little bit too straighten, I mean, they should be a little bit relaxed. But I really like the overall style of your character :)
  • SmilingMoOse
    Awesome thanks Javibcln! I appreciate it. Now let me ask you this about relaxing his hands because i genuinely don't know - That wouldn't effect his rig would it?
  • haz3y
    Overall, its coming along quite well. However, there are some glaring things wrong with it;
    The first thing that caught my eye are the forearms, the forms/overlapping volumes of muscle that happen in our forearms don't seem to be present in your sculpt, I would advise researching and reworking that area first. Next, I checked your proportions and that are off slightly, try and hit up those correct proportions before continuing. Lastly, your folds are not realistic. They don't change the silhouette at all, and appear to be just drawn on top of the mesh. I would recommend looking through this selwy's cloth tuts;
    That should be enough to put on your plate, keep it up
  • SmilingMoOse
    Cool thanks haz3y for the crits. The volumes that happens to be present in the forearm? You mean the size of it? His forearms are purposefully bigger than normal, but if you are suggesting reworking them to show more of those muscles/define them, i can do that! :) Yeah looking at him here, his proportions seem a little off, and you check his proportions against what? Thanks for the fold tuts! Appreciate it!
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