I figured I would start a thread to see if anyone would be interested in at least seeing more of my process, maybe enjoy looking at some animation, or just had input for any of my work.
Here is my first solo submission to share. It is a Taunt animation for AXE and is about 6 seconds long. Currently it looks like the longest taunt that Valve put out is about 5 seconds. Hopefully its not too long, but if it gets accepted and needs editing, i can always shave a little off. Also since I didn't mod the files, i just used an image plane to recreate the "in-game" look.
Hope you like it!
Youtube Link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vvBfTqrO_k"]Axe Taunt[/ame]
Vimeo Link:
Dota 2: Axe Taunt
After being in the workshop for a couple days, there has been mixed comments about the dance part vs the spin part. Thoughts?!
My thoughts on the taunt, the spin reads much more clearly then the dance and is much more enjoyable to watch. To be honest, you can probably get away with just using the spin part of the animation if you're worried about the lenght, nevertheless its great!
Ill get an update on that Bounty Hunter animation soon!
This one is a lot simpler and probably not as creative, but this was because his weapons can be interchanged with items that other people may have created that are larger than his current weapons. Any thoughts? or just like it for what it is?
Youtube seems to be having issues -
Here is the same video on vimeo when its done processing
Tried to keep the lighting and rendering close as i could to the game.
Hope everyone likes it
Here is the submission link finally
As mentioned in the actual submission - if anyone has any requests, just shoot the my way and ill see what I can do !
@ identikal - Much appreciated! Currently im only submitting them as "other" in hopes that they will open soon or that when they do, I will have some done for the workshop.
They recently added a couple taunt animations right before the international, so I am hoping that meant that they are closer to having them ready for the community.
Valve provides the rig already http://www.dota2.com/workshop/requirements, you just have to give it some constraints and controllers. I just constrain the bones to Biped in 3ds Max. Or you can use some rigs that others created over at -
The Bounty is near perfect it shows what you wanted to tell, though i'm curious if there might be a way to add a bit more of the "greedy bastard" aspect. to the movement
How can we submit and view the taunt in game ? Thanks
@ k`vin - Currently you can not submit taunts like you can couriers or models. Hopefully that will change soon.
Model - http://steamcommunity.com/id/spudnikle/myworkshopfiles/?appid=570
Concept/Production - http://steamcommunity.com/id/danidem/myworkshopfiles/?appid=570
Animation - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197980192607/myworkshopfiles/?appid=570