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3DS Max Help UVW Unwrap progress disappears after applying UVW Mapp

Hello everyone, as you can see I'm new to this forum. I'm also pretty new at modelling. I'm currently learning about UVW Unwrapping more advanced things and I'm having some trouble. I'm following this tutorial: http://waylon-art.com/uvw_tutorial/uvwtut_07.html . I basically added a UVW Unwrap modifier and made some progress. The next step was adding a mesh select modifier, selecting the faces you want, then applying a UVW Map modifier and putting it at cylindrical and clicking fit. That went fine, but when I went back to my UVW Unwrap modifier and opened the editor, all my progress was gone. It basically went back to how it was when I applied the UVW Unwrap modifier for the first time. I tried exiting sub object mode on all my modifiers but it stayed the same. Does anyone know what could be the problem?


  • Octo
    Offline / Send Message
    Octo polycounter lvl 18
    The modifier stack works in a linear fashion. If you jump back down in the stack, everything on top would be inactive. Either you can collapse the stack and apply a new UVW unwrap modifier, or just add a new one on top of the stack.

    That said, the UVW modifier can do everything you need when it comes to UV mapping...the UVW map modifier only comes into play when you need something quick and dirty.
  • WarrenM
    Yep, truth. I only ever use Unwrap UVW.
  • Parkas
    Octo wrote: »
    The modifier stack works in a linear fashion. If you jump back down in the stack, everything on top would be inactive. Either you can collapse the stack and apply a new UVW unwrap modifier, or just add a new one on top of the stack.

    That said, the UVW modifier can do everything you need when it comes to UV mapping...the UVW map modifier only comes into play when you need something quick and dirty.

    Thank you for the reply. The thing is, I started with an editable poly. I put a UVW Unwrap modifier on top of that, and did some stuff. Then I added a mesh select, selected some polys proceeded by adding a UV Map modifier. After I was done with the UV Map , when I clicked on my original UVW Unwrap modifier, all the progress I made before adding the first mesh select was gone. I don't think the modifiers at the top of the original UVW Unwrap modifier being inactive really mattered. Any other ideas as to what it could be?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    skip the mesh select and UV Map modifier - just select the faces inside the edit UVW window and click "cylindrical" in your map parameters. Just because it's done in a tutorial doesn't make it right/standard.

    Also, don't be afraid the collapse the stack - if your edits from the bottom UVW Unwrap are dissappearing for some odd reason when you add the edit mesh & UV map mod, just collapse the UVW Unwrap.

    Collapsing isn't throwing stuff away, it's just applying it. There's really no reason to go back to the garbage auto generated UVs that existed before you started unwrapping.
  • Parkas
    Thank you for your help! I guess I was a bit scared about the collapsing tool because I thought if I ever had any problems I wouldn't be able to go back since it was basically combined and irreversible. Also, what's the different between selecting individual faces and clicking cylindrical map, and selecting individual faces and applying a UV Map then clicking cylindrical map there?
  • Justin Meisse
    Offline / Send Message
    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Just give it a test and you'll see the difference.
  • Parkas
    Just give it a test and you'll see the difference.

    Hah there's no difference. Thank you very much and everyone else that answered! I like this forum.
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