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Question : Best way to practice ?

hi everyone !

I can't find the master thread for this kind of noob questions, so I created a new one

I'm a self-learnner and I've passed through the basic process of modeling and texturing for games. Now I'm so excited to practice more and more . . .

I've found so many awesome concept art on DA, CGhub, . . .. but I think that is just "the preview" of their works, because they're one perspective view and small resolution, not much detail.

Would anyone be kind to show me an example of what a concept artist will give me when I actually work on a game project.

I understand the rule of artist do not share their work to public, but is there anyway I can get those concept art just for study purpose ?


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    It really depends on the studio, the concept artist, and time concepts on what type of concepts you will get. Sometimes you'll a completely realized scene with multiple angles and top and side views (sometimes even with a google sketchup block out). Sometimes you'll get some line art that's just one view. You'll get just a suggestive concept, or maybe nothing at all. Look at these art tests if you want to see what studios expect artists to model from http://www.gameartisans.org/forums/threads/5970-Art-Test-Master-List some of these links might be offline, but there's other art tests online.
  • Fwap
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    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    Go to Google image search and type in X concept art

    Where X is the name of some random game, generally that's what you get.
    You get a broad range, from sketches to complete environment paintings, and every studio i assume is different.
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