Hi all,
I'm very new here and also to Mudbox (in fact this is my first attempt)and I seem to be having some problems with the displacement maps when transferred into 3DS Max. After i extracted the displacement map in Mudbox I tried to apply it using both the displace modifier and also in the material map slot. In both cases all I seem to get is a model that inflates rather than actually applying any detail. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, normal maps seem to be behaving as expected but It would be great to find out whats up with the displacement.
Any help would be brilliant.
Try subdividing your mesh 2-3 iterations and then reapplying the map, see if that helps. Maybe also the displacement map itself is too low res, in which case bake to a higher res...
Oh and one last thing, is it possible you clicked on "vector displacement" rather than just displacement? A simple but very easy mistake to make. Vector displacement maps would not work in a Max displacement modifier at all I expect!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U6c_u-f9L8"]How to Render Zbrush Displacement maps in MAX - YouTube[/ame]
normal mapped
Vector displacement map (strength 3)
vector displacement map (strength 10)
you dont really need a "displace" modifier. displace is for displacing mesh before render. you dont even need turbo smooth unless your model is too lowpoly.
vector displacement is not supported by default as mentioned above.
just extract regular 32bit float displacement map and plug it into material's displacement slot. then all you need is to go under "subdivision displacement" and enable it. you can set the step (iterations) and use the "regular" subdivision method. this is all in the editable poly rollout:
isnt that a vray tutorial ?
"subdivide" which does not give the same options as the screen shot you have provided. Also I exported the map from mudbox using the subdivision method as opposed to raycasting would this be correct? Thanks for the help
i am not sure if raycasting would work(since you are subdividing in max), but doesn't hurt to try both and see which works.